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Платов А.
Магические Искусства Древней Европы
стр. 469
285. Markale J. King of the Celts: Arthurian legends and Celtic Tradition. Rochester, 1994.
286. Markale J. Merlin: Priest of Nature. Rochester, 1995.
287. Matthews С. The Elements of the Goddess. Shaftesbury, 1989.
288. Matthews J. The Elements of the Arturian Tradition. Shaftesbury, 1989.
289. Matthews J. Tlie Elements of the Grail Tradition. Shaftesbury, 1990.
290. Matthews J. The Celtic Shaman. Shaftesbury, 1991.
291. Murphy G. Early Irish literature. L, 1966.
292. Murphy G. Saga and Myth in ancient Ireland. Dublin, 1955.
293. Nichols R. Тиж Book ofDruidry. Wellingborough, 1990.
294. Niederle L. Slovanske Starozitnosti. Praha, 1902-1904.
295. Olrik A. Materne om Loki In: Festskrift til Feilberg. Kobenhavn, 1911.
296. Pennick N. Hitler's Secret Sciences. Sudbury, 1981.
297. Pennick N Magie du Nord. La magie practique dans la tradition nordique. Puiseaux, 1996.
298. Piggott S. Tloe Druids. Penguin boob, 1977.
299. Rees A., Rees R. Celtic Heritage. L., 1976.
300. Rhys J. Celtic Folklore. Welsh and Manx, vol. 1-2. Oxford,1901.
301. Rolleston T. W. Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race. L, 1916.
302. Rooth A.B. Loki in Scandinavian mythology. Lund, 1961.
303. Ross A. Pagan Celtic Britain. L, 1974.
304. Safarik P. Slovanske starozitnosti. Praha, 1837.
305. Sharkey J. Celtic Mysteries. Tide ancient religion. L, 1975.
306. Stewart RJ. Celtic Godsy Celtic Goddesses. L, 1990.
307. Stewart RJ. Tloe Mystic life of Merlin, Arlcana, 1987.
308. Storms G. Anglo-Saxon Magic. Hague, 1948.
309. Strom F. Loki. Ein mythologisches Problem. Gyteborg, 1956.
310. Thomas G. & Crossley-Holland K. The Tale ofTaliesin. L., 1992.
311. Tolkien J.R.R. On fairy stories. In: Tree and Leaf. L, 1964.
312. Toulson S. The Celtic Year. A Celebration of Celtic Christian Saints, Sites and Festivals. Shaftesbury, 1996.
313. Tolstoy N. Tlie quest for Merlin. L, 1985.
314. de Vries J. Mtergermanische Religionschichte. Berlin, 1957.
315. de Vries J. Tide problem of Loki Helsinki, 1933.
316. Wagner F. Odin//Antaics, № 8/9,1995.
317.4ajkaHonh B. MumupeAumjay срба, Београд, 1973.
II.2. Публикации в периодике
318. Андреев А Игра и личность 6 традиг^иониой культуреI1/Русский Стиль, №2, 1994.
319. Андреев А. Игра и Ѵигрщы/1/Мифы и магия индоевропейцев, вып.2,1996.
320. Андреев А. Русская Аествица//Русский Стиль, №1,1995.
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