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Платов А.
Магические Искусства Древней Европы
стр. 468
242. Bates В. The Way ofWyrd. MY, 1983.
243. Bett H. English Myth and Traditions. L, 1952.
244. Bonwick J. Irish Druids and Old Irish Migion. L, 1894.
245. Bord J., Bord С. The Secret Country. L, 1978.
246. Branston B. Gods of the North. L, 1980.
247. Branston К The Lost Gods of England... L" 1957.
248. Bruckner A. Mytohgia slowianska. Krakow, 1918.
249. Campbell J. The Mash of God: Primitive Mythology. NY., 1959.
250. Carr-Gomni Ph. The Druid Way. Shaftesbury, 1993.
251. Carr-Gomm Ph. The Elements of the Druid Tradition. Shaftesbury, 1991.
242. Chadwick H.M. The CidtofOthin. Cambridge, 1899.
243. Chadwick H.M. The Heroic Age. L, 1912.
254. Chadwick H.M. Tlie Study of Andlo-Saxon. Cambridge, 1942.
255. Сое J.B. & Young S. Tlie Celtic Sources for the Arthurian Legend. Lampeter, 1995.
256. Cooper BJ. Mythras. Mysteries ard Initiation Rediscovered, York Beach, 1996.
257. Cross T.P. & Slover CH. Ancient Irish Tales. Dublin, 1936.
258. Dumézil G. Loki. Paris, 1948.
259. Dunning R.W. Arthur. The King in the West Stroud, 1988.
260. Eliade M. Le Mythe de VEternel Retour. Paris, 1949.
261. Eliade M Le Sacré et le Profane. Paris, 1965.
262. Eliade M. Le Shamanism. Princeton, 1964.
263. Eliade M. Rites and Simhols of Initiation. NY, 1965.
264. Eliade M. Traité d'Histoire des Religions. Paris, 1974.
265. Evans-Wentz W.Y. The Eairy Faith in Celtic Countries. Oxford, 1911.
266. Favrit B. Présence Paienne. Paris, 1996.
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268. Godwin J. Arktos. ТИэе Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival L, 1993.
269. Goodrich ML Merlin. MY., 1988.
270. Gras E.J. De noordse Loki-mythcn i huit onâerlingverband. Haarlem, 1931.
271. Grattan J.H. and other. Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine. L, 1952.
272. Graves R. The White Goddess. L, 1961.
273. Hagen. Der Gral Strasshurg, 1900.246.
274. Harding CE. Merlin and legendary romance. N. Y, 1988.
275. Higgins G. V)e Celtic Druids. L, 1977
276. Jakobson R. The Slavic god Vêles and his Indo-European copiâtes. In: Studi linguistici in onore di Vittore Pisani Brescia, 1969.
277. Jobes G. Dictionary of mythology, folklore and symbols. MY., 1962.
278. Jones G. A History) of the Vildngs. Oxford, 1968.
279. Jung C. G & Kerényi С. Essays on a Scince of Mythology. MY, 1949.
280. MacCana P. Celtic Mythology. L, 1970.
281. MacCulloch J. A The Religion of the Ancient Celts. Edinburgh, 1911.
282. MacCulloch J. A The Celtic and Scandinavian Religions. L, 1948.
283. Maier B. Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture. Woodbndge, 1997.
284. Меринов Д. Народна вера и религиозны УРЫЧШИ София, 1914.
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