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Хроники длинноволосых королей
стр. 125

вине VI в. // Византийский временник. 1972. Т. 33. Чекалова 1977 — ЧекаловаА. А. Восстание Ника и социально-политическая борьба в Константинополе в конце V — первой половине VI в. // Византийские очерки. М., 1977. Anderson 1928 — Anderson A. R. Alexander and the Caspian Gates // American Philological Association Transactions, 1928. Vol. XXXIX. Anderson 1932 — Anderson A. R. Alexander's Gates, Gog and Magog, and the Inclosed Nations. Cambridge, 1932. Blumenkranz 1960 — Blumenkranz B. Juifs et Chretiens dans le Monde Occidedental (430 — 1096). Paris — La Haye, 1960. Bonwetsch 1910 — Doctrina lacobi nuper baptisati / Hg. Von N. Bonwetsch // Abhandltmgen der koniglische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft zu Gottingen. Phil.-hist. Klasse. N. F. XII. № 3. Berlin, 1910. Brehier 1903 — Brehier L. Les Colonies d'Orientauxen Occident au commencement du moyen-age // Byzantinishe Zeitschrift, 1903. Bd. XII. Brock and Hoyland 1993 — The Seventh century in the west-Syrian Chronicles / Introd., transl. and annot. by A. Palmer; including two seventh-century apocaliptical Syriac texts, introd., transl. and annot. by S. Brock; with added annot. and historical introd. by R. Hoyland. Liverpool, 1993. Chadvick 1949 — Early Scotland: the Picts, the Scots and the Welsh of Southern Scotland. Cambridge, 1949. Czegledy 1957 — Czegledy K. The Syriac Legend Concerning Alexander the Great // Acta Orientalia, 1957. T. VII. Fasc. 2. № 3. Gibbon 1930 — Gibbon E. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: In 7 vol. / Ed. J. B. Bury. 10th ed. London, 1930. Goffart 1988 — Goffart W. The narrators of barbarian history (A. D. 550 — 800). Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede and Paul the Deacon. Princeton, 1988. Grimm 1814 — 1818 — Deutsche Sagen. Herausgegeben von den Brudern Grimm. Erster und zweiter theils. Berlin, 1814 — 1818. Grumel 1958 — Grwnel V. La Chronologic. Paris, 1958. (Traite d'Etudes Byzantines public par P. Lemerle. T. I). Hitti and Murgoten 1924 — The Origins of the Islamic State, being a translation from the Arabic of the Kitab Futuh al-Buldha of Ahmad ibn-Jabir al-Baladhuri / Transl. by P. K. Hitti and F. C. Murgotten // Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, LXVIII, 1924. Hodgkin 1892 — 1829 — Hodgkin Th. Italy and her Invaders: In 6 vol. Oxford, 1892 — 1899. Kaegi 1992 — Kaegi W. E. Byzantium and the early Islamic conquest / Walter E. Kaegi. Cambridge: New York, 1992. Katz 1934 — Katz 5. Pope Gregory the Great and the Jews // Jewish Quarterly Review, 1934. Vol. 24. Katz 1937 — Katz 5. The Jews in the Visigothic and Prankish Kingdoms of Spain and Gaul. Cambridge, 1937. Krol 1960 — KrolB. La legende de Belisaire dans les pays grecs // Eranos, 1960. Bd 58. Krush 1882 — Krush B. Die Chronicae des sogenannten Fredegar// Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft fur altere deutsche Geshichtskunde zur Beforderung einer Gesammtausgabe der Quellenschriften deutscher Geschichten des Mittelalters. 1881. Bd. VII. Lowe 1951 — Lowe H. Ein literaricher Widersacher des Bonifatius, Virgil von Salzburg und die Kosmographie des Aethicus Ister // Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. Abhandlungen der. Geistes sozialwiss. Klasse. Mainz, Jg. 1951. № 11. Luniselli 1988 — Luniselli B. Il mito de H'origine Troina dei Galli, dei Franci e degli Scandinavi // Romanobarbarica, 1978. T.3. Martindale 1992 — Martindale J. R. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Vol. HI. A. D. 527 — 641. Cambridge University Press, 1992. Muhlberger 1990 — Muhlberger S. The fifth-century chroniclers: Prosper, Hydatius, and the Gallic Chronicler of 452 /Steven Muhlberger. Leeds, 1990. Neil 1991 — Neil C. Invasion or invitation? The Longobard occupation of Northen Italy, A. D. 568 — 569 //Romanobarbarica. 1981. T. 11. Noldeke 1879 — Noldeke Th. Geschichte der Persen und Araber zur Zeit der Sassaniden aus den Arabische Chronik des Tabari ubersetzt. Leyden, 1879.

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