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XI-XIII вв.) М.: Наука. 1966. 381 с.
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Заборов М.А. Крестоносцы и их походы на Восток в XI-XIII веках. М.: Учпедгиз.
1962. 167 с. (Школьная историческая библиотека.)
История крестовых походов (Оксфорд, под редакцией Джонатана Райли-Смита)/
Пер. с анг. Дорман Е. - М.: “КРОН-ПРЕСС”, 1998 - 495 с. - Серия "Экспресс".
Клари, Р. де. Завоевание Константинополя Пер., ст. и комм. М. Заборова.
М.: Наука. 1986. 174 с. (Памятники исторической мысли.)
Комнина А. Алексиада. Пер. с греч. и комм. Я.Н. Любарского. СПб., Алетейя,
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Литература на иностранных
A History of Deeds done Beyond the Sea by
William, Archbisop of Tyre. 2 vols. Trans Emily Babcock and A.C. Krey.
N.Y., 1943. Born in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, William's history
stands alone for the period he covered (1095 to his death ca. 1185) and
for a fairly mature historical perspective.
An Arab-Syrian Gentleman and Warrior,
Memoirs of Usamah Ibn-Munqidh. Trans. Philip K. Hitti. Princeton, 1987.
Covering the Mid-Twelfth century, Usamah provides an interesting Arabic
view of the people, land and events of his day. Arab Historians
of the Crusades. Ed. Francesco Gabrieli. Berkeley, 1984. Views from the
Arab side of most of the crusades, presented in chronological order.
Atiya, Aziz. Crusade, Commerce and Culture. Puts the crusades into the
large context of the East-West Question.
Barber, Malcolm. The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple.
Cambridge, 1994. Recent work on a facinating topic.
Bernard of Clairvaux. In Praise of the New Knighthood. The Templars' Rule.
Jac. Gesta Dei per Francos, Ганновер, 1611
Brundage, James. The Crusades, Holy War and Canon
Law. An in-depth and easily understandable exploration of medieval law
in terms of the crusade movement.
Burns, Robert. The Crusader Kingdom of Valencia. 2 vols. Cambridge, Ma.,
1967. On the Reconquista.
Chazan, Robert. In the Year 1096: The First Crusade and the Jews. Philadelphia,
Cowdrey, H.E.J. Popes, Monks and Crusaders. London. 1984. Cluniac Reform
context of the crusades.
Folda, Jaroslav. The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land: 1098-1187.
Cambridge, 1995. Excellent description, analysis and reproductions.
Jean Richard. Histoire des Croisades.An important work in beautiful French
Hamilton, Bernard. Monastic Refrom, Catharism, and the Crusades. Kedar,
B.Z. Crusade and Mission: European Approaches toward the Muslims. 1984.
Housley, Norman. The Later Crusades, 1274-1580. Oxford, 1992. Expands
the horizons of the crusade movement beyond the Fall of Acre in 1291.
Kedar, B.Z. Crusade and Mission. Princeton, 1984.
Kennedy, Hugh. Crusader Castles. Cambridge, 1994.
Lord E. The Knights Templar in Britain, Pearson Education Limited. 2001
Mayer, Hans E. The Crusades. An important text with much detail
and bibliography.
Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader. Madison, WI, 1969. Includes a wealth
of details and clear explanation
Nicholson H. The Knights Templar, 2002.
Powell, James. Muslims under Latin Rule. Princeton, 1991.
Prawer, Joshua. The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. London, 1972. Examines
the aspect of Colonialism in the Middle Ages through the crusades.
Prawer, Joshua. The History of the Jews in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Oxford, 1988.
Richard, Jean. The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Amsterdam, 1979. Deals
with the locals in the East, Europeans who settled there, and the related
Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The Crusades: A Short History. A new, wider interpretation
of what the crusades were
Runciman, Steven. A History of the Crusades. 3 volumes. N.Y., 1965. Fine
stylist and very influential. Contains useful discussions of primary sources.
Setton, Kenneth, Harry W. Hazard and Norman P. Zacour. A History of the
Crusades. 6 volumes. Last volume: Madison, 1989. An exhaustive series
of essays on each crusade and on many related topics with extensive bibliography.
Siberry, Elizabeth. Criticism of the Crusade 1095-1274. Oxford, 1985.
Shows the contemporary support for, and the criticism of, crusades.
Smail, R.C. Crusading Warfare. Cambridge, 1994. Classic work on the subject.
The Crusades: A Documentary Survey. Ed. James Brundage. Milwaukee, 1962.
Chronological presentation of sources from throughout the period.
The Crusades: Idea and Reality. Ed. Louise and Jonathan Riley-Smith. London,
1981. Thematic presentation of sources from throughout the period.
Tyerman, Christopher. England and the Crusades, 1095-1588. On how the
crusade movement affected a single country
Upton-Ward J.M. The Rule of the Templars. Published by The Boydell Press
Woodridge Suffolk, UK. 1972
Urban, William. The Baltic Crusade. Chicago, 1994.
Anna Comnena. The Alexiad. Her own point of view of the crusaders she
met, and the events that transpired from the Byzantine persepective of
the day.
Cahen, C.
"An Introduction to the First Crusade." Past and
Present. 6 (1954)
Chazan, R. European Jewry and the First Crusade. Concerns how the Jews
fared as the First Crusade progressed.
"Contemporary Letters on the Capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders."
edited and translated by S. D. Goitein. Journal of Jewish Studies. 3 (1952)
Crusade and Settlement. Ed. Peter Edbury, 1985. SSCLE contribution concerning
the First Crusade and later events, including a group discussion of the
crusades as the first European venture of colonial imperialism.
Fulcher of Chartres. A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem 1095-1127.
Trans Frances Rita Ryan. Ed. Harold S. Fink. Knoxville, 1969. Fulcher
went on the First Crusade, remained in the East and wrote this account
which deals not only with the crusaders, but local people, flora and fauna.
Erdmann, Carl. The Origins of the Idea of the Crusades. Trans. M.W. Baldwin
and W. Goffart. Princeton, 1977. Seminal work on the underlying ideas/context
of the First Crusade.
Foucher of Chartres.
The First Crusade; the chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and other source
materials. Edited, with an introd. by Edward Peters. Philadelphia, University
of Pennsylvania Press 1971 D 161 .P47
France, S.
"An Unknown Account of the Capture of Jerusalem." EHR. 87 (1972)
France, John. Victory in the East. Cambridge, 1994. Fine military history
of the First Crusade.
Gesta Francorum [or] The Deeds of the Franks. Ed. Rosalind Hill. London,
1962. Participant of the First Crusade from his point of view as a knight.
Hagenmeyer, Heinrich, 1834-1915.
Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes. Die Kreuzzugsbriefe
aus den Jahren 1088-1100. Hildesheim, New York, G. Olms, 1973. D 161 .H15
Henty, George A.
Winning his spurs: a tale of the crusades. London: S. Low, Marston, 1924?
PR 4785 .H55 W56 1924
Krey, A.C.
The First Crusade. The Accounts of Eye Witnesses and Participants
Krey, A.C. "Urban's Crusade: Success or Failure?" AHR. 53 (1948)
Munro, Dana C.
"Did the Emperor Alexius Ask for Aid at the Council of Piacenza.
1095?" AHR. 27 (1922)
Munro, Dana C.
"The Speech of Urban II at Clermont." AHR. 11 (1906)
Ordericus Vitalis, 1075-1143?
The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy. Translated, with notes,
and the introd. of Guizot, by Thomas Forester. London, H. G. Bohn, 1853-56.
New York, AMS Press 1968 BR 252 .O632
Ordericus Vitalis, 1075-1143?
The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis. Edited and translated with
introduction and notes by Marjorie Chibnall. Oxford, Clarendon P., 1969-1980.
BR 252 .O634
Raymond D'Aguilers Historia Francorum. Trans. John H. Hill and Laurita
L. Hill. Philadelphia, 1968. A participant of the entire First Crusade
who wrote a few years after returning.
Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading. Philadelphia,
1986. Insightful examination of the ideas and sources.
Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders, 1095-1131
Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595.
Jerusalem delivered: an English prose version. Translated and edited by
Ralph Nash. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1987. PQ 4642 .E21
N37 1987
The First Crusade. Ed. Edward Peters. Includes a long excerpt from Fulcher
of Chartres and many other short excerpts concerning the First Crusade
arranged around themes.
The First Crusade. Ed. August C. Krey. Gloucester, 1958. Many excerpts
concerning the First Crusade.
The Jews and the Crusaders: the Hebrew chronicles of the First and Second
Crusades. Translated and edited by Shlomo Eidelberg. Madison: University
of Wisconsin Press, 1977. DS 135 .G31 J48
Tudebodus, Petrus.
Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere. Translated with introd. and notes
by John Hugh Hill and Laurita L. Hill. Philadelphia, American Philosophical
Society, 1974. Q 11 .P612 vol. 101
Bernard of Clairvaux.
The Letters of St. Bernard. Translated by B. Scott James (1963)
Constable, Giles.
"The Second Crusade as seen by Contemporaries." Traditio. 9
John of Salisbury.
De expugnatione Lyxbonensi. Translated by C.W. David (1936)
Odo of Deuil. De profectione Ludovici VII in Oriente. One of the only
accounts of a participant.
Otto of Freising. The Deeds of Frederick Barbarossa. Trans. C.C. Mierow.
New York, 1966.
The Second Crusade and the Cistercians. Ed. Michael Gervers. N.Y., 1992.
Good place to begin for the topic -- covers important themes and provides
further bibliography.
Ambroise. The Crusade of Richard Lion-Heart. By a companion of Richard,
a work with literary aspirations.
The Crusade and Death of Richard I. Translated by R.C. Johnston (1961)
The Third Crusade. An Eye-witness Account of the Campaigns of Richard
Coeur de Lion in Cyprus and the Holy Land.
Translated by K. Fenwick (1958)
Archer, T.A. The Crusade of Richard I: 1189-92. Excerpts from participants
concerning Richard's crusading activity.
Flahiff, G.B.
"Deus non vult. A Critic of the Third Crusade." Medieval Studies.
9 (1947)
La Prise d'Acre. La Mort Godefroi. And, La Chanson des rois
Baudoin. Edited by Peter R. Grillo. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama
Press, c1987. PQ 1311 .O43 vol. 7, pt. 2
Gerald of Wales. Itinerary through Wales. Trans. Lewis Thorpe. N.Y., 1978.
Personal account of preaching the crusade and the effects on the populace.
Horns of Hattin. Ed. B.Z. Kedar. Jerusalem, 1992. SSCLE contribution on
the events that led up to, and including, Saladin's victory at the Battle
of Hattin which caused the Third Crusade.
Metellus, von Tegernsee, fl. 1167.
Expeditio Jerosolimitana. Erstausg. von Peter Christian Jacobsen.
Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1982. PA 2801 .Q4 Bd. 6
Otto I, Bishop of Freising, d. 1158.
The deeds of Frederick Barbarossa. By Otto of Freising and his continuator,
Rahewin. Translated and annotated with an introd. by Charles Christopher
Mierow with the collaboration of Richard Emery. New York, Norton 1966,
c1953 DD 149 .O784 1966
6 Outremer: studies in the history of the crusading kingdom of Jerusalem
presented to Joshua Prawer. Edited by B.Z. Kedar, H.E. Mayer, R.C. Smail.
Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Institute, 1982. D 159 .O9 1982
Phillips, Jonathan. Defenders of the Holy Land. Oxford, 1996. Explores
the serious problems which faced the the Latin Kindom of Jerusalem after
the First Crusade and before Saladin's victory at Hattin.
Richard of Devises.
Chronicon. Vaduz: Kraus Reprint, 1964. DA 20 .E6 R5 1964
Richard of Devizes.
The Chronicle of Richard of Devizes. Translated by J.T
Appleby (1963)
The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade: Sources in Translation.
Ed. Peter W. Edury. Aldershot, 1996. Useful contemporary accounts.
William of Tyre.
Chronicle. Translated by E.A. Blaylock (1943)
Li estoire de chiaus qui conquisent Constantinople.
Translated by E.N. Stone
Choniates, Nicetas, ca. 1140-1213.
O city of Byzantium: annals of Niketas Choniates. Translated by Harry
I. Magoulias. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1984. DF 606 .C5313
Fotheringham, J.K.
"Genoa and the Fourth Crusade." EHR. 25 (1910)
Godfrey, J.
"Venice and the Fourth Crusade." History Today. 26 (1976)
Godfrey, John.
1204, the unholy Crusade. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.
D 164 .G6
Geoffrey de Villehardouin. The Conquest of Constantinople. Translated
by M.R.B. Shaw
Longnon, Jean.
Les Compagnons de Villehardouin: recherches sur les Croises de la quatri
me Croisade. Gen`eve: Droz; Paris: Champion etc., 1978. D 164 .L66
Pears, E.
The Fall of Constantinople. Being the Story of the Fourth Crusade (1885)
Queller, Donald E.
Medieval diplomacy and the Fourth Crusade. London: Variorum Reprints,
1980. JX 1641 .Q42
Queller, Donald E.
The Fourth Crusade: the conquest of Constantinople, 1201-1204. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977. D 164 .Q38
Queller/Madden. The Fourth Crusade. Philadelphia, 1997. Classic study
of this strange crusade.
Robert de Clery.
The Conquest of Constantinople. Translated by E. H. McNeal (1936)
Villehardouin. The Conquest of Constantinople. In Chronicles of the Crusades.
Trans. M.R.B. Shaw. N.Y., 1963. A main source by a participant.
Christian Society and the Crusades 1198-1229. Ed. Edward Peters. Philadelphia,
1971. Primary Sources concerning the period, with Oliver of Paderborn's
account of the Fifth Crusade.
Donovan, Joseph. Pelagius and the Fifth Crusade. Deals with the papal
legate who was a leader of the crusade.
Powell, James M. Anatomy of a Crusade 1213-1221. Analyzes many aspects
of the Fifth Crusade, includes careful statistical analyses and graphs.
Joinville. The Life of Saint Louis. In Chronicles of the Crusades. Trans.
M.R.B. Shaw. N.Y., 1963. A main source by a participant.
Jordan, William. Louis IX and the Challenge of the Crusade. Fine book
on the topic and related aspects.
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