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Geoffrey de Vinsauf
Itinerary of Richard I and others to the Holy Land
page. 107


conduct it, in the place of Count Henry, who should have protected the rear, but who had been sent to Acre. Ferric had that day asked Baldwin de Carron and Clarenbald de Mont Chablon, to take charge of the caravan, lest the people should straggle too widely, or be incautiously separated; but they nevertheless fell into this error, and paid the penalty of their negligence. These were Manassier de Lisle, Richard de Erques, Theoderic Philip, and some comrades of Baldwin de Carron, Otho, and many squires, with their relations and friends, who proved their friendship in the hour of need. The foremost of our men moved quickly forwards, but the hindmost followed with a slow and unwilling pace; when suddenly, not far from Ramula, the Turkish horse from the mountains, bursting from their ambush, rushed upon the latter at full speed, and endeavoured to get before them; they therefore penetrated and passed through the horses, which formed the hindmost of the caravan. There Baldwin de Carron was thrown from his horse; but brandishing his drawn sword and multiplying his blow in all directions, he proved inaccessible to the enemy, In that encounter Richard Torques and Theodoric were thrown from their horses, but Baldwin fought with great courage until his men brought him a horse, and helped him to mount it. There was then a very severe conflict, and honourable to both sides; drawn swords flashing, the one side attacking, and the other defending themselves most bravely; horses wandering up and down without riders; the Turks rushing about, and our men fighting stoutly. As often as the Turks felled a man to the ground, our men closed round him, and raising him up, helped him to mount his horse, each assisting one another. But our men fought at great odds, for they were very few compared with the hosts of the enemy, and each contended separately with the foe, and was hid as it were by the multitude of his adversaries; whence it was not to be wondered that the enemy’s numbers excluded our men; for whenever one of our bravest men was thrown from his horse, he was overpowered by numbers, and the horses were wounded and much weakened by the showers of darts that were thrown at them. Moreover Baldwin was soon after thrown a second time from his horse, and he immediately commanded one of his men-at-arms to dismount from the horse on which he sat, and himself mounted on it, immediately after which, the man, who had behaved himself with great prowess, had his head cut off. Our men now stood on the defensive, and Philip, the comrade of Baldwin, who behaved himself with great distinction, was taken prisoner, and with him the Turks took another man-at-arms of great prowess, and killed the brother of Richard. The timid would dread a renewal of such a combat. Baldwin and his comrades fought with their swords and defended themselves with all their might. But Clarembald de Mont Chablon deserted his men, and took to flight as soon as he saw the numbers of the Turks increase. Then the conflict was renewed with fresh vigour, and Baldwin was a third time thrown from his horse, and so beaten with clubs, as almost to be rendered lifeless; the blood flowed in streams from his nose and ears, whilst his sword was blunted from constant use, and was unserviceable from its point being broken. Then Baldwin, on finding himself surrounded by a dense mass of Turks, cried out to Manassier de Lisle, a knight of great prowess, and who crushed all he met: Ñ "Manassier," said he, "do you then desert me?" On hearing this, Manassier flew with all speed to rescue him from the Turks; but the enemy were so many, that these two could do nothing against them, though they fought bravely for a long time against overwhelming numbers; until Manassier was thrown from his horse, and when he was on the ground they beat him cruelly with their iron maces, made rough with teeth, and, standing round, they so mangled him, that they broke off his leg, bone and all, from his body; and thus Baldwin and Manassier were being destroyed by the enemy, while their own men were ignorant of their fate. But, at this moment, God sent the valiant earl of Leicester, who had been ignorant of their danger, to rescue and protect them. The earl, on his arrival, dashed at the enemy and cast the first man he encountered from his horse; upon which, Auscun, the comrade of Stephen de Longchamps, cut off his head, and hurled it to a distance. Stephen also behaved himself manfully, and our people increasing in numbers, the enemy were routed, and fled with speed to the mountains, except those whom our men overtook. Those of our army who were wounded were placed carefully on horses, and carried to the army. Thus then we have thought that day’s action worthy of mention, on account of the brave deeds of the earl of Leicester, who put the Turks to flight, killed some, and captured others.

Chapter LIII. - How, while Richard was at Betenoble, the Syrian bishop of St. George gave him a piece of the Lord’ Cross.\

A certain Syrian bishop of St. George, who had been a tributary to

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