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Richard the Lion-Hearted Conquers Cyprus at 1191
translated by James Brundage
page 4

balistarii burled spears at our men in the rear ranks, but they could not break up our formations, which stayed together in a disciplined way. The Emperor emerged from hiding slowly, like a scout. He proceeded on an irregular course so that either our formation, when it saw him, would spontaneously break up or in order that he might shoot arrows at the King when he found him. After he spied the King in the last formation, he shot two poisoned arrows at him. The King was violently outraged at this. He spurred his horse toward the Emperor in order to strike him with his lance. The Emperor saw him coming and slipped away. He fled at the speediest pace to his stronghold called Kantara. There he was extremely sorrowful and confused because he could not do as he wished The Emperor meditated that the fates were against him. His only daughter had been captured, a fact that weighed upon his mind, while his castles had been occupied or had surrendered, and for a long time now he had been supported rather than loved by his alienated men. Seeing that no hope of resistance remained, be decided out of necessity, though with reluctance, to seek peace and mercy. He sent messengers to lay his case before King Richard and the King's spirit was eminently inclined to compassion. The Emperor came down from Kantara with doleful mien and dejected countenance. He came up to the King and humbled himself at the King's feet. Kneeling, be declared that he would submit to the King's mercy in all things, that he would keep neither land nor castle for himself, but that, for the rest, the King should be his lord, so long as be did not cast him into iron chains. The King was moved by pity. He made the Emperor arise and sit beside him. When the King caused the Emperor's daughter to be brought to see him, the Emperor was unspeakably overjoyed. He embraced her affectionately and insatiably kissed her many times, while tears flowed freely. This took place on the Friday after the feast of St. Augustine and before Pentecost. [Friday May 31] Richard cast the Emperor into chains, not of iron, but of silver.


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